Control Flow

Control Flow

This page documents control flow. Squiggle has if/else statements, but not for loops. But for for loops, you can use reduce/map constructs instead, which are also documented here.



if condition then result else alternative

If-else as a ternary operator

test ? result : alternative;

Tips and tricks

Use brackets and parenthesis to organize control flow


This is overkill for simple examples becomes useful when the control conditions are more complex.

Save the result to a variable

Assigning a value inside an if/else flow isn't possible:

x = 10
y = 20
if x == 1 then {
  y = 1
} else {
  y = 2 * x

Instead, you can do this:

Likewise, for assigning more than one value, you can't do this:

y = 0
z = 0
if x == 1 then {
  y = 2
} else {
  z = 4

Instead, do:

For loops

For loops aren't supported in Squiggle. Instead, use a map or a reduce function.

Instead of:

xs = [];
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  xs[i] = f(x);
